Ways to Provide Backup Power for Staff Working from Home

type of power sources

We know that the work world is changing and more and more people are working remotely. As a result, we’re seeing many office buildings close down because there’s no need for them anymore. However, this presents a challenge to those who still come into the office: how can they continue to get their work done when so many employees aren’t coming in? One solution is providing backup power for staff members working from home.

That way, if there’s ever an emergency or natural disaster where the electricity goes out, your team will be able to keep up with their workload. Read on to learn more about this topic and what other solutions might exist for remote workers, read on!

Working from home can be a great work-life balance for many people, but it also presents unique challenges. One of the biggest is that if you’re not plugged into an electrical outlet at all times, your productivity could come to a grinding halt. This includes power outages due to natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes or blackouts caused by accidents or other events. Fortunately, there are ways you can provide backup power for staff working from home.

Remote staff emergency kit

The line between work and home is blurring. With more workers working from home, the need to provide backup power becomes even more important. Here are some ways you can provide backup power for staff working from home:

  • Evaluate the needs of your remote employees; do they require less energy during specific times? This will help determine how many solar panels or batteries to purchase.
  • Consider what type of power sources are available in that area before making a purchasing decision. For instance, if there’s an electric company nearby, consider getting a hybrid system with solar panels and traditional electricity storage capabilities.
  • Make sure any equipment purchased fits with your office space – for example if you have limited window access to install the solar battery.

battery power


  • Be sure there’s enough space in your budget to invest in a generator, they can be used indoors. They’re relatively expensive upfront, but they’ll help keep your employees productive when their laptops die during a workday.
  • Invest in solar panels that charge batteries during the day, so you have backup energy at night or when inclement weather prevents sunlight from reaching them.

Working from home can be a great way to save on commuting costs and avoid the daily grind, but it does come with its challenges. One of the biggest is figuring out how to stay productive while your business is running off of battery power or an extension cord.