
Cascadia Summit covers news and reviews of interesting and affordable hi-fi equipment; it is aimed at anyone striving for better sound quality from modern music, at home or on the go. It is especially aimed at readers who like to think.

Cascadia Summit  is NOT pay-to-play. We do not do sponsored content. If we deem it sufficiently interesting, we’ll cover it.

Writers published in these pages are guaranteed to have no direct (or indirect) financial affiliation with any hi-fi or audio equipment manufacturer/distributor/retailer. That means no writer has a (secret) side gig as a PR representative, a show organiser, a product photographer or a Saturday audio store helper.

What else can I expect from a Cascadia Summit review?

Reviews are written from a consumer perspective – subjective listening – with the aim of unearthing how something sounds (and the emotional response it solicits) and delivering the results in an entertaining way.

One process fundamental to the Cascadia Summit review M.O. is comparative listening. “What does X sound like?” moves to “How does X compare to Y?” – it’s the most commonly asked question by readers of ANY website.

What won’t I see in your reviews?
Two things:

1) Measurements. We don’t have the budget to undertake them. End of story.

2) Reviewer clichés. “Competes with products two or three times the price” is a no-no unless the competing hardware is called out explicitly. And does the audiophile world need yet another dose of, “Listening to Norah Jones, I was immediately struck by a sense of…”. No, it does not.

Talking of which…

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